Stephanie Guyton

Thank you Hennenberg family for sharing such beautiful memories. The first time I met Tony was while at the CDA DMV parking lot with my mother in law, Sharon. This is when I learned he spoke Spanish and this is when I thought, gosh he can talk as much as I do. However, I had no clue who I had just met and never thought that one day I would find myself on a mission trip to Cuba where Tony would also be. My daughter and I were lucky enough to tag along for a boat ride with Tony and Bonnie, and Sharon and Lonnie. He allowed my then 6 year old to drive the boat and I don’t think I was ever so afraid on a boat ride… while most of us on the boat were iffy about the circumstances, Tony just laughed it off along with my daughter. I will miss speaking Spanish to Tony and teasing about who spoke it better. His smile, kindness, and love of God will be remembered. God bless ♥️

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