Marty and Gary Johnson

I wrote this before but not sure if you got it. Tony was one of my favorite doctors; he treated all of us nurses with the utmost respect. I was charge nurse on 2 South for the longest time and on Tony’s surgical days, my unit secretary Dana and I would see Tony coming down the hall with what we knew was somebody’s husband. He would come up to us and with that great smile of his (that none of us could resist) would introduce this man and ask what nice private room with a view and a couch could we provide his wife post op.. We never wanted to disappoint him and always tried to accomodate him whenever we could and were always awarded with a winning smile. Tony is one man who “fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith.” There is not a doubt in my mind that he will be awarded a crown of righteousness which the Lord Himself will award to Tony on that happy reunion day when we will all be together again. I pray you find comfort in that sure knowledge.

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