Lynn Rinker

The last time I saw Tony he was downtown CDA and he said “I have metastatic melanoma” I told him I had a brain tumor. He said he wasn’t ready to leave this earth. We agreed to pray for each other. I hugged him and cried for the health battles we would face. We were both too busy recovering to see each other again but we always kept track of each other through friends. Everybody loved Tony. When he was going to see a patient or their family or was on the L and D unit, he could never remember a name. He’d stand next to me and whisper,”Linnie, what is her name? I’d whisper back and he would greet them loudly by their name. and remembered their whole family history….with a few prompts. If he was stumped your name was Lucy.
I think I was Lucy a few times. What a pleasure it was to know Tony and his family. You were all well blessed to have him.
Well done God’s good and faithful servant. We will never forget you.

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